. . you will be asked for a second name for the additional file. If the menus exceed the size of a single MacPaint document then . The Worksheet with the zone palette is not "printed". The window is "printed" as it looks when the project is run. . 4. Enter the name you want and click OK. A dialog box appears asking for a file name to save as. . 3. Choose "Print to File" from the File menu. the menus, close all Worksheets. 2. To print a window, open the Worksheet for the window. To print 1. Save the document to keep a copy. To "print" the project: . no Worksheet is open, the menus for the project are "printed". To "print" a window, the Worksheet for the window must be open. If . MacPaint document. Marksman™ "prints" the menus and windows for a project to a Print to File . . hold down the Command key and type a period(.). Worksheet with the zone palette is not printed. To stop printing, The window is printed as it looks when the project is run. The . and click OK. 6. Set the printing specifications you want or accept the defaults A dialog box appears with default printing specifications. . 5. Choose Print from the File menu. Click OK. 4. Set the page specifications by clicking the appropriate boxes. A dialog box appears with page size and orientation. . 3. Choose Page Setup from the File menu. the menus, close all Worksheets. 2. To print a window, open the Worksheet for the window. To print 1. Save the document to keep a copy. To print the project: . Worksheet is open, the menus for the project are printed. To print a window, the Worksheet for the window must be open. If no . compatible printer. Marksman™ prints the menus and windows for a project using any Print